Glossary of words relevant to the Tea Derekh

Chado/Sado/茶道 - "The Way of Tea," typically translated as tea ceremony.  Like many Eastern disciplines (kado/ikebana, judo, tae kwon do, Taoism), it contains the character 道, meaning road or way.

Chanoyu/茶の湯 - Literally, "hot water for tea."  A deceptively simple name for a potentially life-encompassing ritual.  It is nothing more than serving refreshments for a guest and nothing less than the heart-to-heart communication of one's deepest intent.

Derekh/דרך - Road or way.  Used in a similar way to 道, it indicates a discipline that doesn't necessarily have a finish line but instead demands a lifetime of study and commitment.  Judaism is most commonly referred to this way when someone is "off the derekh," but it seems worthwhile to view oneself as being on the derekh as well.